Spare parts 'catalogue' for taximeter, Heron Rogers production type

Volume entitled: "Barton's Ruling Engine Manuscript"

Volume entitled: "The English Farm wagon"

Master of Technical Science thesis entitled: "History of Fenton Murray & Wood"

Volume entitled: "History of Elkington & Co. by Robert Eadon Leader"

Photographic albums relating to Charles Rolls

Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

Manuscript entitled: "Charcoal Burning in the Forest of Dean by Herbert Curwen"

Photograph album of Petrochemicals Ltd.

The Application of Computers to Taxonomy by Peter Henry Andrews Sneath

Vorlesung uber theoretische Mechanik by Christian Felix Klein

Geometry for Children by Horace Grant

Bound manuscript volume entitled: "Diary of a Week in North Wales By Henry Sharrock"

Notebook entitled: "Chemical Notes: Analyses"

Apprentices Record of A.E. Flood at Simms' Motor Units Limited

The Berner collection relating to cable ships

Bound volume entitled: "Water-Supply in Gaza and Wadi El Ghuzze"

Unpublished biography of William Henry Maw by W.E. Simnett

"Catalogue of an Important Collection of Engineers' Tools, Plant & Machinery"

Collection of laboratory notebooks: "Catalogue of Spectra"

Differential Analyser Log Book

Volume entitled: "Early Days of the Electrical Industry, and Other Reminiscences of Alexander P. Trotter"

Report on the Water-Supply of El Arish region

Collection of notebooks for traditional 'A' level physics course at Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Gainsborough

Bound manuscript translation entitled: "The Evolution & Future of Large Sailing Ships" by Professor W. Laas; translated by James Hayes

Volume entitled; "Note sur les moteurs a petrole pour sous-marins"

Manuscript journal of John Bourne

Visitors Book for Optical Works, Walker Gate, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Notebook on Theoretical Chemistry by Sir David Follett

Museum Registration by Kenneth de Burgh Codrington

Record book for Busty Morrison pit detailing supplies purchased

Album of c. 200 captioned photographs of oil-drilling work in Venezuela

Daybook Ledger of James Stephens, Engineer

Printed booklets of Special Rules and Regulations to be observed at specific collieries in England and Wales, made pursuant to the Coal Mines Regulations Act, 1872

A bound volume written in clerk's hand, presented by Henry Minchin Noad to Museum of Economic Geology

Letters from William Crookes to his laboratory assistant, Charles Henry Gimingham

Notebook used when instructing in Radio Communication at 151 OCTU

Record Books of Horses employed in Mines

Gazeteer of Mines in Chili (Chile)

Archive of Westwood, Baillie & Co, iron founders, bridge and shipbuilders

Survey data for the area of Hodbarrow Mine, Cumberland

Notebook of circuit diagrams, some with accompanying text, relating to submarine cable equipment

Volume of geometrical patterns by various authors entitled: "Curves"

Archive of the hydrological research committee of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Natural Environment Research Council

Elementary Chemistry: Lecture Notes of Prof. A. W. Hofmann, Berlin, Germany

Volume of working drawings of scientific instruments, mainly electrical, by James White et al

Collection of engineering drawings of ropeway systems

Volume of reports by British science teachers on the 1867 Paris exhibition